Ubuntu: How do I uninstall Dropbox?

Ubuntu: How do I uninstall Dropbox?

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Channel Avatar Roel Van de Paar2019-06-30 20:51:13 Thumbnail
Ubuntu: How do I uninstall Dropbox?

The Question: After booting up, a popup screen tells me Dropbox did not install correctly,
but it is lurking somewhere. To install properly I first have to delete the
incorrect install. How can I do that?
I’m using the latest version of Ubuntu.

Solutions Sample (Please watch the whole video to see all solutions, in order of how many people found them helpful):

== This solution helped 29 people ==
Try this command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get remove –purge nautilus-dropbox

== This solution helped 44 people ==
This is from https://www.dropbox.com/help/41/en:
dropbox stop
dropbox status # Should report /”not running/”
rm -rf ~/.dropbox-dist
rm -rf /var/lib/dropbox
rm -rf ~/.dropbox*
sudo apt-get remove nautilus-dropbox
sudo apt-get remove dropbox
rm /etc/apt/source.d/dropbox

== This solution helped 2 people ==
It works like this:
1. sudo dpkg –configure -a
2. Press Ctrl+C to before the download of Dropbox tries to do anything.
3. Remove dropbox with sudo apt-get purge nautilus-dropbox

== This solution helped 3 people ==
You can remove a package through apt-get:
sudo apt-get remove dropbox

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