Split Screen in any Android Phone

Split Screen in any Android Phone

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Split Screen in any Android Phone
hi friends welcome to my channel techtalk101sd. today we will learn how you can split your phone screen into two parts. the benefit of this is you can compare things side by side. watch videos on one side and search about it on the internet on the other side. you can read or research articles on the other side and take note of it. there are many ways you can use this function.

if you want to multitask and work at twice speed or be entertained while working this feature will be very helpful to you.

nowadays many phones have this feature by default but many of the phones don’t come with this feature inbuilt.

so I thought, for those of us who do not have this split screen feature on their phone, let me show a way that we can also can use and take advantage of this feature.

now to use this feature on your phone you have to use an app. There are many apps available on the Play Store you can use any one of them.

I am just showing you guys one of them, by the name split screen. so open playstore and search for it split screen and install it. now after installing whenever you want to use it just open the app.

app interface is very simple just choose the two apps you want to open in split screen by tapping the plus. now as it says above will open the app in above and below will open the app in below, and if you rotate your screen by screen orientation above will be on the left side and below will be on the right side.

now tap on Start up, and it will open the two chosen apps in a split screen and you can use both app simultaneously.

hope you have learned something new.

feel free to let us know if this is helpful to you.

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