Something Didn’t Go As Planned FIXED!! KB5034204 and KB5034765

Something Didn’t Go As Planned FIXED!! KB5034204 and KB5034765

HomeOther ContentSomething Didn’t Go As Planned FIXED!! KB5034204 and KB5034765
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Channel Avatar NOVICE2024-02-28 04:59:20 Thumbnail
This video shows a different way to resolve the /”Something Didn’t Go As Planned/” error. I had issues with this error, and every video was telling me to do the same thing, but none of them worked. I figured this solution out by playing around with it to see what could work.

1. Run /”Windows Updates/” in the Settings.
2. Download all updates. This will download and install all of your updates, including the one that’s causing you issues. (DO NOT RESTART)
3. After that, uninstall the problem update, by running this command as admin in the command prompt: wusa /uninstall /kb:[problem update] (DO NOT RESTART)
4. Go to the Microsoft Update Catalog:
5. Search for your problem update KB number in the search bar.
6. Download the .msu file for you windows version.
7. Run command prompt as admin again, and run the following command: wusa [kb installer name].msu
8. Wait for the update to install
9. Restart when prompted

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