Optimise Steam for Gaming | FIX High RAM Usage | Windows10/11 (Working 2024)

Optimise Steam for Gaming | FIX High RAM Usage | Windows10/11 (Working 2024)

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After new steam update its been taking lot of ram . as -no-browser command no longer works its not easy to make steam lighter . so here 3 steps to make steam take less ram and fix steamwebhelper high ram usage .optimise steam for gaming with best steam settings
follow all steps properly 🙂
️When saving a .bat file, ensure that the filename does not end with .txt
Copy/Paste : start steam.exe -dev -console -nofriendsui -no-dwrite -nointro -nobigpicture -nofasthtml -nocrashmonitor -noshaders -no-shared-textures -disablehighdpi -cef-single-process -cef-in-process-gpu -single_core -cef-disable-d3d11 -cef-disable-sandbox -disable-winh264 -no-cef-sandbox -vrdisable -cef-disable-breakpad +open steam://open/minigameslist

▶️Chapters :
00:00 – In This Video
00:18 – Steam Settings Tweaks
03:39 – Steam Commands Tweaks
08:27 – RAM Tweak

Music Used by NCS: Syn Cole – Feel Good | Jim Yosef – Link | Tobu – Roots | Retro – Vision
Mentioned Links below and updated links in pinned comment
Software Mentioned: https://github.com/henrypp/memreduct (Official Github Link)
Article Mentioned : https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-stop-steam-web-helper-use-all-ram
Steam Icons : https://www.iconarchive.com/tag/steam (select the icon → All download format → Windows Download Ico )
Leave a like if it helped @TecnikOfficial
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▶️Playlists:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzXDhbvRPJ1DGOLjjKbs-bR2xrvOYDVAC| https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzXDhbvRPJ1Ab-q-7-JwcUdHNK0hyN2M1|https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzXDhbvRPJ1DseUL2m8rzzQgdOZJEWLye |https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzXDhbvRPJ1ADYJ557Fc3vh0XwHAQfBUS
️Disclaimer: This tutorial is provided for educational and informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and complete information, I make no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content in this tutorial. I assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information contained in the tutorial.
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Use of this tutorial is at your own risk. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this tutorial are the property of their respective owners.

Queries Solved in this video :
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