[GUIDE] How to Redline a Document in microsoft word

[GUIDE] How to Redline a Document in microsoft word

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[GUIDE] How to Redline a Document in microsoft word

Lawyers redline contracts in Microsoft Word daily. But how do they do it, and is it efficient? Find out in this guide.
Microsoft Word has been the default currency for contracts for decades. Any lawyer that’s ever pushed a contract through revisions will have redlined in Word – or at least tried to.

But familiarity doesn’t get contracts negotiated faster, efficiency does. And there are certainly more efficient ways to redline contracts in 2023.

This Juro guide explains how to redline a Word document in 2023, and how you can make your current redlining process better.

What is redlining in Word?
Redlining in Microsoft Word is a feature that enables users to remove, add or edit text within a Word document, with the changes marked up in red.

When users choose to delete text within the document, the feature adds a red strike through all of the deleted words. If users decide to add words to the document, this red line will appear under the new text to indicate that it’s been suggested.

Each redline will then also connect the suggestions made to a specific individual, making it easy to see who has proposed which changes and when.

The purpose of redlining in Word is to make any adjustments and edits visible to all parties, and to enable users to propose changes directly within a file without making irreversible changes to the existing content.

This makes adding redlines in Microsoft Word a popular choice for legal teams managing contracts, as the redline feature allows contract owners to propose these amendments during the contract review and negotiation phases.

But just because it’s a popular way to negotiate agreements, that doesn’t mean it’s the most efficient way. As you’ll find out in this post, redlining in Word can cause friction for teams.

If you’re familiar with this friction and want a more efficient way to redline your contracts, check out Juro. Juro’s collaborative contract automation software offers in-browser redlining, threaded comments and intuitive version control.

To find out more, hit the button below. Otherwise, read on to find out how to redline contracts in Word.

How to redline in Word
There are two ways to redline in Word: manually or by using track changes.

How to redline in Word manually
Firstly, users can redline in Word manually. This is a more tedious process than using track changes, but it gets the job done.

Open the file that you wish to redline and select the specific part of the document where you’d like to add or remove text from.
Click on the ‘Home’ tab which can be found at the top of the page. This will present you with a toolbar of editing and text formatting options.
Once you have found the ‘Font’ section of the toolbar, select the icon that has the letters A, B and C striked through.

Highlight the text that you’re suggesting to remove and click on the ‘Strikethrough’ button. This will put a line through any of the text highlighted without completely deleting it from the document. This is useful since it provides visibility around what is being deleted before it has been fully removed.
To add text in a red font, select the ‘Font color’ section of the ‘Font’ toolbar instead. This will be presented as a button containing an ‘A’ with a straight line beneath it.

Click the arrow beside the button to see all of the colour options available. From here, select one of the red shades and start adding your changes by typing in the red coloured font. This will distinguish the existing text (which is in black) from the new recommended text (which will be in red).
How to redline in Word using track changes
The slightly more intuitive way to add redlines in Word is by using the software’s track changes feature. This works in the following way:

Open up the document or contract that you want to add redlines to in Word.
This time, select the ‘Review’ section of the toolbar at the top of the page, and then click on the Track Changes icon. This may appear differently depending on the version of Microsoft you have, but in the most recent version it will look like a piece of annotated paper with a pencil over the top of it and a folded corner.
Next, set the markup settings to ‘All Markup’. This will show you any text that you add or remove in red and will connect the change with a comment bubble in the right-hand margin. This section allows you to add an explanation and makes the changes traceable.
Once track changes have been enabled you can go ahead with making any amendments to the contract or document you like.

How to accept redline changes in Word
If you’re on the receiving end of track changes, you’ll also need to know how to accept or reject redlines in Word. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy.

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