Group Rows and Columns in Excel With Expand & Collapse Buttons | Include Summary and Subtotals

Group Rows and Columns in Excel With Expand & Collapse Buttons | Include Summary and Subtotals

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Channel Avatar Chester Tugwell2023-08-10 13:00:33 Thumbnail
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In this Microsoft Excel video tutorial I explain how to group rows and/or columns. This can be done automatically if you already have subtotals in your data, or you can define the groups manually. Once the groups are created you can use expand/collapse (plus or minus) buttons to hide or show each group. Excel can also create subtotals for you based on every change in value within a given column or columns.

#microsoftexcel #exceltips #exceltutorial

Table of Contents
00:00 Introduction
00:22 Use this method if you don’t have subtotals
03:57 Use this method if you do have subtotals
05:15 Use this method to create subtotals

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