Encryption program in Python

Encryption program in Python

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Channel Avatar Bro Code2022-11-17 15:44:02 Thumbnail
#python #course #tutorial

import random
import string

chars = /” /” + string.punctuation + string.digits + string.ascii_letters
chars = list(chars)
key = chars.copy()


plain_text = input(/”Enter a message to encrypt: /”)
cipher_text = /”/”

for letter in plain_text:
index = chars.index(letter)
cipher_text += key[index]

print(f/”original message : {plain_text}/”)
print(f/”encrypted message: {cipher_text}/”)

cipher_text = input(/”Enter a message to encrypt: /”)
plain_text = /”/”

for letter in cipher_text:
index = key.index(letter)
plain_text += chars[index]

print(f/”encrypted message: {cipher_text}/”)
print(f/”original message : {plain_text}/”)

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