a media driver your computer needs is missing windows 10 install FIX

a media driver your computer needs is missing windows 10 install FIX

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Channel Avatar f&D2019-08-19 17:11:23 Thumbnail
Hi guys this is channel f&D in this video i’m going to show you guys how to fix a media driver your computer needs is missing windows 10 install error, You may get this err or when you’re trying to install windows 10 from USB / DVD.

Text Instructions:-

1) When the error pops up click on /”cancel/” and press Shift+F10

2) Now in command Prompt Type /”Diskpart/” & Hit enter

3) Now type /”Lis Disk/” & Hit enter

4) Now find out whether you have GPT or MBR Disk. If you have Asterisk (*) Symbol in the GPT Column then the disk is GPT, If GPT Column is blank then the disk is MBR

5) Now Type /”Exit/” & Hit enter

6) Again Type /”Exit/” & Hit enter

7) Now using a working windows PC Download media creation tool from the below link


8) Open Media Creation tool and Click on /”accept/”

9) Select /”create installation media for another PC/” & Click on /”Next/”

10) Uncheck /”Use the recommended options for this PC/” box & Select the language, edition, architecture and click on /”Next/”

11) And then select /”ISO File/” and click on /”Next/”

12) Give the ISO File a name and click on /”Save/”

13) Now download /”rufus/” from the below link..


14) Select the USB Drive and then click on /”select/” and select the downloaded ISO File

15) As discussed earlier in step 4 if the disk is GPT Select GPT Option from the drop down, If it is MBR Select MBR and then click on /”start/”

16) After finishing boot up the USB and problem might have fixed

That’s it guys thanks for watching & Don’t Forget to Sub

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