A Look Inside The CLIPBOARD

A Look Inside The CLIPBOARD

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Channel Avatar FlyTech Videos2020-08-03 17:30:10 Thumbnail
Let’s reach 3000 likes We all take the Clipboard feature for granted in our everyday lives. But how does it work behind the scenes? How can you copy and paste different kinds of content? And what questionable things can you do with this info?

InsideClipboard Download: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/inside_clipboard.html
VBS script source: https://gist.github.com/FlyTechVideos/74e199c13596c18a250110f865f972b6

0:00 – Introduction
0:10 – #1: The Basics
0:28 – #2: Inspecting the Clipboard
2:41 – #3: Editing Clipboard data
4:53 – #4: Questionable uses of the Clipboard
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