#1 Java Introduction

#1 Java Introduction

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Java Full Course
Learn Java Fundamentals, OOP, Interface, exception handling, collection api, threads

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In this lecture we discussing:
1)What is inside this course?
2)features of java
3)History of java

This lecture is complete course of java since day by day new concept added in java,
therefore this playlist created so that everyone get benefit to learn java with quality content.

My name is Navin and I taught java from 12 years and work as corporate trainer and software developer.

features of java
:- java is always within top 5 language list
:- In every 6 month minor update of java released
:- Easy to read
:-Follow WORA concept
:-OOPs language
:-multithreaded language
:-has collection api
:-exception handling
:-java is platform independent

History of java
— java language first released by sun microsystem in 1995
— But after that oracle brought the sun microsystem
— in every 6 month we got update
— right now java launched jdk 20

Github repo : https://github.com/navinreddy20/Javacode.git

More Learning :

Java :- https://bit.ly/3x6rr0N
Python :- https://bit.ly/3GRc7JX
Django :- https://bit.ly/3MmoJK6

JavaScript :- https://bit.ly/3tiAlHo
Node JS :- https://bit.ly/3GT4liq

Rest Api :-https://bit.ly/3MjhZwt
Servlet :- https://bit.ly/3Q7eA7k
Spring Framework :- https://bit.ly/3xi7buh
Design Patterns in Java :- https://bit.ly/3MocXiq
Docker :- https://bit.ly/3xjWzLA

Blockchain Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/3NSbOkc
Corda Tutorial:- https://bit.ly/3thbUKa
Hyperledger Fabric :- https://bit.ly/38RZCRB

NoSQL Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/3aJpRuc
Mysql Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/3thpr4L

Data Structures using Java :- https://bit.ly/3MuJa7S
Git Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/3NXyCPu

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