You require permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this folder

You require permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this folder

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Channel Avatar TheWindowsClub2025-03-05 08:15:08 Thumbnail
The message prompt You require permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this folder will pop up when you try to delete, modify, rename, or access core system files that are protected under the ownership of the TrustedInstaller process. In order to do the necessary changes, you need to take ownership of the files – we will show you how in this tutorial.


00:00 Intro
00:48 Take ownership of files or folders via File Explorer
01:06 Take ownership of files or folders using Command Prompt
01:28 Take ownership of files or folders via Registry Editor


takeown /f “C://Windows” /R /D Y

takeown /f “C://Windows// regedit.exe

Take Ownership command:


@=/”Take Ownership/”

@=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /c /l & pause/”
/”IsolatedCommand/”=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /c /l & pause/”


@=/”Take Ownership/”

@=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” /r /d y && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /t /c /l /q & pause/”
/”IsolatedCommand/”=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” /r /d y && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /t /c /l /q & pause/”


@=/”Take Ownership/”

@=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /c /l & pause/”
/”IsolatedCommand/”=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /c /l & pause/”


@=/”Take Ownership/”

@=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” /r /d y && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /t /c /l /q & pause/”
/”IsolatedCommand/”=/”cmd.exe /c takeown /f ///”%1///” /r /d y && icacls ///”%1///” /grant administrators:F /t /c /l /q & pause/”



@=/”///”%1///” %*/”
/”IsolatedCommand/”=/”///”%1///” %*/”

Revert Ownership Command:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







@=/”///”%1///” %*/”
/”IsolatedCommand/”=/”///”%1///” %*/”



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