Word: Highlight a Blank Space or an Entire Row

Word: Highlight a Blank Space or an Entire Row

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Program: Word 2010

highlight whole section/row between two words
select highlight color
(optional) remove the last word
To highlight every other row
= first, make sure each row that needs to be highlighted has space til the end of each row
= to create space, use either “space bar” or “tab”
= then, place cursor on the already highlighted section
= double click format painter
= then, highlight each row (to the end of row)
= once done, click format painter again

Complete TOC with other lessons: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmQzAz5VTnaOdG9sV1VKd2xFR0VhZV84NWExOWJaM2c

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