Windows activation error 0xc004d302 in Windows 11 / 10 non-core edition [FIXED]

Windows activation error 0xc004d302 in Windows 11 / 10 non-core edition [FIXED]

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Found this error when you run slmgr -rearm command in the command prompt while activating Windows, it says ˝On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run ‘slui.exe 0x2a 0x80070422’ to display the error text. While deploying the Windows 10 host for the official detection lab, or when attempting to build it locally with Packer, I encountered an error related to rearming Windows.

// When running slui with the codes, I get the following:
An error has occurred. You can also contact Microsoft by phone to help resolve this problem.
Description: The security processor reported that the trusted data store was rearmed.

// slui command results in
Description: The activation server reported that new time-based activation is not available.

An error may be displayed on a computer operating Microsoft Windows non-core edition when the trusted data memory is reactivated, leading to potential issues. Refer to the steps outlined in this video to resolve the problem.

What causes the 0xc004d302 error?
– Incorrect product key –The 0xC004d302 error code is often encountered due to an invalid or incorrect product key being entered.
– Issues with RSA MachineKeys: This issue may occur upon activation if modifications have been made to the default permissions of RSA MachineKeys.
– License files (Token.dat) are corrupt: The activation files for Windows are located within the Token .dat file of the operating system. If these files become corrupted, an error may arise following the activation process.
– Using different commands for activation: If the slmgr. vbs/rearm command has been performed, attempting to execute another activation command like /dlv or /dli without restarting your computer will result in an error message.

#windows11 #windows #windows10 #activation #error #solvedyourproblem #solved #activatewindows #activatewindows10

/// R E L A T E D V I D E O S A N D L I N K S ////

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#cmdcommands ////
️ slmgr -rearm
️ slmgr /ipk ‘yourlicensekey’
️ slmgr /skms
️ slmgr /ato


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Windows Activation Error 0xC004D302
Fix Error: 0xC004D302 On A Computer Running Microsoft Windows Non-Core Edition, run slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004D302 to display the error text

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