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can do that. It is very simple you just combine drives into one and keep
adding more drives. In Windows 10 it takes just a few minutes to do
this. Also, such a system has built-in backup/redundancy to prevent data
loss if a disk or two fails. The following video shows how to do it in
Windows 10 and it is also valid for Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2.
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Transcript (machine generated so it contains errors)
May now, have a look at storage spaces which basically storage pool.
You can combine multiple hard drives, virtual disks together to
basically create one big storage pool as a storage drive. Given the
drive letter letter example. So whatever the benefit of this is you can
actually combine them to create huge volume size. You also can keep
adding more drives to it and this one drive can become bigger example,
if you’re in the media business when you’re having lots and lots of
videos or so when you’re taking terabytes of space. This is ideal or if
you another cast business or even in your own home is a constantly
increasing, decreasing space is one drive and industry adding on extra
drives to it without having to change too much case is a great one
centralised pool and expand also benefited the system can have we say
redundancy backup protection is the one drivers failing failed. Okay,
your data still intact again. A similar powers that reading the storage
spaces we do still about going over there storage and an spaces whether
brings a lot to the screen, and then we create an opal. Obviously you
need to have admin permission to do this UAC man, now little one little
thing that you need to be aware of the dish you are going to be using
okay if there’s any date on it, you lose. It was basically the
assumption is you need to start with blank desks. If you’re not ill
make them blank so you lose things met you back before you that we have
created. If you this okay is a gradual descent present okay. However,
the being real drives and doesn’t recognise in the same afflict all
three again okay now was come to the screen and basically you gave a
name to the driver cake court storage space that’s fine. Given the
driver were given a driver P okay people pool as a storage pool okay and
will credit two-way mirror. So basically it’s backing up pockets of any
one of those three do spell okay, you’re basically having a two-way
mirror setup with a three-way mirror between them, or parity were
basically to act as mirrors and one of the parity drive okay if you
notice drivers were tender Kennedy wasting be features those 30 so
roughly a thats 27 GB. However, we can specify a maximum size 50 TB,
which is a difference between almost 30 GB and terabytes. Okay, so
basically what this means, as well as getting close to shall we say
finishing up 27. It was a more deaths and more. This running water as
it was the second expandable drive okay. The teeny little keep me going
for a long time a storage space following the storage space shouldn’t
take too long as you are only dealing with very simple 10 TB drives.
Okay, we get older naturally this PC we have a nice happy driver you
call storage space. The okay, it basically gives an amount saying
almost 50 TB okay if you religious previously one little thing like 52 a
two-way mirror you need hundred terabytes basically one is literally a
copy of the other, so you need double it. Okay, I that are storage full
very happily sat up all night. Okay, you can even put it like and
encrypted. That’s fine, no problem at all. You know, everything is
just one little thing in their physical hard disk actually attached to
your computer and if you take one out breaking the poor little one will
them to unknot’s take all that watery, so whatever you have have a pool
together to the new computer otherwise basically lead you to stage one
is not formatted as wipe it out and making was a well is not usable.
Okay, so that’s the main thing.
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