Windows 10 And 8.1 Set Process Priority – Make Programs Run Faster or Slower

Windows 10 And 8.1 Set Process Priority – Make Programs Run Faster or Slower

HomeOther ContentWindows 10 And 8.1 Set Process Priority – Make Programs Run Faster or Slower
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Channel Avatar Windows Ninja2015-06-14 11:41:55 Thumbnail
There are times when we need to squeeze a bit more out of a program and make it run faster e.g. when video editing. There are also times when we want the process to run slower as it is hogging up the system and slowing everything down. This video shows how to set process priority. Be careful with the realtime option.

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Transcript (machine generated so it contains errors)

Hello again in this video we should be having a look at task manager and setting priorities for basically the applications that are running applications processor et cetera for example let’s assume we have a program that we needed to run at a slightly higher priority so it basically runs a little bit faster okay now lets in this is is using notepad we don’t really need notepad to run any faster okay but we have not open and what we need to do is open up task manager and it’s always better to do it as arguments are just a task manager okay right click over their run as administrator and then we get it okay and then over a year we go it starts up a being of the year make sure you basically go to details okay and then notepad again as programme the process everyone speed up okay we can set priority and then we can make high be very very careful with real-time that could freeze your system up okay am because windows basically try to juggle processes around to make her life feel multitasking et cetera okay real-time can really mess it up above normal little bit faster okay on the other hand if we have a program that is really hotting up resources okay as the other side he basically won a car like slow it down we can make it low okay change priority okay and that’s fine so now that program that was really hotting up resources and really slowing only computer is now running a lot slower and you don’t have the ability to have a get on with other tasks as well okay hopefully this has helped thanks for watching.

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