Why Microsoft Teams Keeps Reinstalling? [Solved] !!!

Why Microsoft Teams Keeps Reinstalling? [Solved] !!!

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Channel Avatar Saif Vasta2019-08-10 07:57:05 Thumbnail
Why Microsoft Teams Keeps Reinstalling?


MS Teams keeps reinstalling itself : MicrosoftTeams
Teams will not uninstall, it keeps reinstalling itself – Microsoft Community


[SOLVED] Microsoft Teams installed with 365 even though i’m not licensed for it. Annoyed – Office 365 – Spiceworks


It is my pleasure to help you here. As far as I know, there is no option to only install Outlook in Office 365 portal. I fairly understand your upset on Microsoft Teams reinstalls itself, to uninstall it completely, please check the following steps carefully, and view if they work for you.

1. Clear cache in Teams.

(1)Exit Microsoft Teams client Completely in task manager.

(2)Go to File Explorer, and paste /”%appdata%//Microsoft//teams/” in the location box.

(1) Do the following operations:

· Go to Application Cache = Cache and delete all files there.

· Open Cache folder, delete all files.

· Open database folder, delete all files.

· Open GPUCache folder, delete all files.

· Open IndexedDB folder, delete all files.

· Open Local Storage folder, delete all files.

· Open tmp folder, delete all files.

2. Uninstall Microsoft Teams.

If the issue persists, to further analyze your problem, we need more information, please share the following information with me:

1. If convenient, please offer me detailed screenshots about how you uninstall Teams and the outcome, so that I can test on my side better.

2. What actually is installed in your computer, Office 2016, Office 365 products or both? Please offer me the related version, following is an example(Click File = Office Account = About Outlook):


3. The version of Teams(Click Avatar = About = Version) and your operation system.

This resolved my problem…(all credit to FC9 from Microsoft Community)

Uninstall app — Next — Teams Machine-Wide Installer

Do not use MS uninstaller or any other method if Teams is active, goto uninstall app.

Note, when installing Skype for Business ensure that install Teams is not enabled. This will completely avoid the issue.


After Unisntalling Teams Restart Your PC

Then, Teams App is Almost Gone.

When I Restart My PC Team’s App was Finally got Uninstalled Automatically & After Then, It did not get Reinstalled as I Checked in Uninstall or Change Program (appwiz.cpl)

Totally Uninstalled Image Proof :-

Music in This Vdo:-
Brethren, Arise | Chris Zabriskie | Ambient | Calm | 07:27 Mins

Recorded using Bandicam ~ Video ID:-
bandicam 2019-08-08 20-23-06-915.mp4 66.3 Mb

Music | Audio Added to Video from Audio Library – YouTube

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