Why I Avoid Windows Standard Folders

Why I Avoid Windows Standard Folders

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️ Windows has a default user folder layout that I’ve avoided for years. With the recent assumptions Microsoft has made on how those folders should be treated, I’m glad I don’t rely on them.

️ Windows standard folders
I’ve always avoided Windows default folders like Desktop, Documents, and Pictures. This has saved me from Microsoft’s recent, frustrating changes, such as pushing OneDrive backups. Instead, I create and organize my own folders, maintaining full control without Microsoft’s interference.

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Watch next ▶ The Problem With OneDrive Backup ▶ https://youtu.be/xtsNTwRg7iM

0:00 Avoid Windows Standard Folders
1:00 What are the standard folders
2:00 The assumptions
2:30 OneDrive backup feature
4:30 What I do instead
6:45 Applications assume a default

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