Which USB Device to Connect to what USB port? – USB 2.0/3.0 Explained & Working 2025

Which USB Device to Connect to what USB port? – USB 2.0/3.0 Explained & Working 2025

HomeOther ContentWhich USB Device to Connect to what USB port? – USB 2.0/3.0 Explained & Working 2025
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Channel Avatar GMODISM2019-09-03 18:45:00 Thumbnail
This tutorial video teaches you about what different USB ports you can find on your computers and how to identify them. Then I explain what device goes into what port, and how to know which is right. After this tutorial you know where to connect your extension USB hub, your mouse and keyboard, your external drives and all other kinds of peripherals you might own.

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Suspecting you might have a fake USB 3.0 cable? This is the tutorial to test that to see if it’s real: https://youtu.be/6xHvq9bsmu4

#TechTutorials #USB #USB3 #USB2

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║ #Windows10 #TechTutorial #WindowsTutorial
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■ The Music is provided by:
New World: https://new-world.bandcamp.com
Mouge Heart: http://mogueheart1.bandcamp.com/releases
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TeknoAXE: http://teknoaxe.com
Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com
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