What’s the Difference Between a Router, a Wireless Router, and a Wireless Access Point?

What’s the Difference Between a Router, a Wireless Router, and a Wireless Access Point?

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Channel Avatar Ask Leo!2022-03-14 15:00:03 Thumbnail
Terminology around routers and access points can be quite confusing. I’ll describe the difference, how they relate, and why the differences matter.

Router vs. access point vs. wireless router
* A router is an intelligent device that routes data to and from the devices connected to it and often serves as a firewall and central connecting point to the internet.
* A wireless access point provides wireless access to an existing network, nothing more.
* A wireless router combines the functions of a router and a wireless access point into a single device.

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Watch next ▶What Are These Access Attempts In My Router Log? ▶ https://youtu.be/OuM_o9iR66A

0:00 Difference between Router Wireless and Access Point
0:48 What is a Router?
2:15 Wireless access point
2:56 Wireless router
4:00 Why it matters

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