What is a verb for K?

What is a verb for K?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat is a verb for K?

knead, kneel, kneeled, kneeling, kneels, knelt, knew, knit, knite, knitted, knitting, knock, knocked, knocking, knocks, knoe, knot, knotted, know, knowed, knoweth, knowing, known, knows, knuckle, knuckled, knuckles. Verbs1.com has many examples of verbs which begin with various letters.

Q. What verb starts with AK?

25 Verbs Starting With K

  • Kayak – to travel on a body of water by a light, slender boat with pointed ends.
  • Keel – to fall or collapse.
  • Keen – to sharpen or make cold.
  • Keep – to hold or retain something.
  • Ken – to know something.
  • Key – to fasten or lock with a key or wedge.
  • Kick – to strike or hit with a foot or feet.

Q. What is a kind word that starts with AK?

List of Positive Words that Start with K

  • Keen.
  • Kempt.
  • Kind.
  • Kindhearted.
  • Kindred.
  • Knightly.
  • Knowing.
  • Knowledgeable.

Q. What’s a nice word for N?

Positive Words That Start With N

NiceNice-lookingNice one
Nice to meet youNicetyNimble

Q. What is a verb for the letter O?

English Verbs Starting with O

VerbSimple PastPast Participle
to occuroccurredoccurred
to offendoffendedoffended
to offerofferedoffered
to officiateofficiatedofficiated

Q. What is a verb for P?

pace, paced, pacifies, pacify, pacing, pack, package, packaged, packaging, packed, packing, pad, padded, padding, paddle, padlocked, page, paginated, paid, paide, paie, pained, paint, painted, painting, paints, paired, paled, paling, pall, palletized, palmed, pamper, pampered, pan, paneled, panelized, panic, panicked.

Q. What are some Z words?

4 letter words that start with z

  • zafu.
  • zags.
  • zany.
  • zaps.
  • zarf.
  • zeal.
  • zebu.
  • zeds.

Q. What is a positive word that starts with Z?


  • Zaftig having a shapely and full figure; voluptuous; full-bosomed.
  • Zany comical; ludicrously comical, bizarre or clownish.
  • Zappy energetic; lively.
  • Zazzy flashy; shiny.
  • Zealed full of or filled with zeal.
  • Zealful full of zeal; zealous.

Q. What does Zooty mean?

: typical of a zoot-suiter : flashy in manner or style a zooty haircut.

Q. What means zealous?

: marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal : filled with or characterized by zeal zealous missionaries.

Q. What is a good sentence for zeal?

She goes in with all the greater zeal. I have no doubt that other local authorities have displayed similar zeal. We depend entirely upon the zeal, integrity and loyalty of the individual policeman. I only ask him to show the zeal of a convert.

Q. How do you use the word zeal?

Zeal in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Jack’s zeal made him stand above all the other candidates during the interview process.
  2. While Jenny failed to include the main points in her presentation, I still gave her extra credit for her zeal and passion.

Q. What does zealous for God mean?

What Does It Mean To Be Zealous For God? If you think about that for a moment, then you can see that being zealous for God is being like God. It means to have the same passion, desire, and purpose in your life that God has towards you and His people.

Q. Is zeal a word?

noun. fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.

Q. What is the meaning of zonal rank?

A zone refers to association of few states. So, your zonal rank refers that you have acheived that position among the students of all states of that zones. The whole country is divided in few zones.

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What is a verb for K?.
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