What is a better alternative to PowerPoint for academics who want to make engaging presentations?

What is a better alternative to PowerPoint for academics who want to make engaging presentations?

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FREE TRAINING: https://bit.ly/mtp-slide-freetraining

In this video, I answer a common question I get asked: /”I want to create better presentations. What should I use other than PowerPoint?/”

Find out the best presentation slide software I use to create my own slides and the reason why no slide app or software is going to create an engaging presentation for you.

Blog post version of this post: https://www.echorivera.com/blog/what-slide-software-should-you-use

Just in case you’re new to my channel, welcome to More Than PowerPoint (MTP)! I’m Dr. Echo Rivera and I’ve trained hundreds of professionals how to create visually engaging presentations (with data!). I specialize in helping academics, researchers, and those who took the non-academic path. I run this YouTube channel, as well as a professional development program called the Presentation Skills Masterclass Training.

Ready to take your images to the next level?

️ Take my FREE training: https://bit.ly/mtp-slide-freetraining
️ Learn about my Presentation Skills Masterclass Training: https://bit.ly/mtp-slide-mchome
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️ Connect with me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/echoechoR
️ Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/echorivera/

○ From Standard to Stellar–Before & After Slide Makeovers playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrllfQHPFLPnTajRBEtBmK55TTIuNqRZc
○ How to Draw and Animate in PowerPoint with Ink Replay: https://youtu.be/o6YWsnHZCOM
○ How to Create Visual Presentations Fast and For FREE | Best websites for FREE photos: https://youtu.be/-xlAp_BMWec
○ How to make a GIF in PowerPoint | Make an Animated Abstract in PPT: https://youtu.be/CLxMAmcP0JE

This video was made using: PowerPoint for Windows / Microsoft 365 subscription. This video may mention a feature that you do not have in your version of PowerPoint.

TIP: If you can’t find the feature I’m talking about, please check out the Microsoft support page. Google /”PowerPoint (feature)/” and choose the Microsoft support page from the results. From there, Microsoft will tell you exactly which versions of PowerPoint do/do not have this feature (+ instructions on how to find/activate it if you’re supposed to have it).

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