WebOS HomeBrew 2024 – Alternate LG Appstore – Easy Install method

WebOS HomeBrew 2024 – Alternate LG Appstore – Easy Install method

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HomeBrew WebOS

Main Website: https://www.webosbrew.org
Homebrew Install Page: https://github.com/throwaway96/dejavuln-autoroot

1. Download the latest release (not the files named /”Source code/”) from the Releases page.
2. Extract the archive to the root directory of a USB drive. (It should be formatted with FAT32 or NTFS and only have one partition.)
3. Plug the USB drive into your TV. (Make sure it’s the only USB drive connected.)
4. Open the USB drive in the Music app and browse to lol$(sh$IFS$(find$IFS/tmp.
5. Try to play the MP3 file (usb$IFS-maxdepth${IFS}3$IFS-name${IFS}autoroot.sh)).mp3). You should expect to see an error message about being unable to play the MP3 whether or not the exploit works.
6. After the pop-up messages tell you rooting is complete, eject the USB drive.
If you have the LG Developer Mode app installed, you must remove it before rebooting. Do not install it while your TV is rooted.

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