UPDATE Microsoft confirms that it has NOT fixed Windows 11 Defender LSA protection issues

UPDATE Microsoft confirms that it has NOT fixed Windows 11 Defender LSA protection issues

HomeOther ContentUPDATE Microsoft confirms that it has NOT fixed Windows 11 Defender LSA protection issues
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Channel Avatar BrenTech2023-05-17 10:01:48 Thumbnail
Microsoft had previously confirmed that it had fixed this issue with Microsoft Defender, where /”Local Security Authority protection is off/” with persistent restart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTnKiwhQSzI&t=0s As previously posted, Microsoft said this known issue was previously resolved with an update for Microsoft Defender Antivirus antimalware platform KB5007651 (Version 1.0.2303.27001): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wNJrrINySU&t=34s Microsoft have since re-opened this issue saying, issues were found, and that update is no longer being offered to devices. If you encounter this issue, you will need to use this workaround until the issue is resolved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbsIGbwqA00&t=14s

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