UNIX Operating System Part 2 | Unix Kernel | Unix System Calls | CUI and  GUI in Hindi | PremnArya

UNIX Operating System Part 2 | Unix Kernel | Unix System Calls | CUI and GUI in Hindi | PremnArya

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Channel Avatar Premn Arya2020-11-03 23:30:02 Thumbnail
UNIX Operating System Part 2 | Unix Kernel | Unix System Calls | CUI and GUI in Hindi | PremnArya
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#UNIXOperatingSystemPart2 #UnixKernel #UnixSystemCalls #CUIandGUIinHindi #PremnArya #UnixSoftwareArchitecture #UnixKernel #SystemCallInterface
#UnixSystemCalls #UserModeandKernelMode #CUIandGUIinhindi #UNIXforBeginners #UNIXLearnStepByStep #UNIXCompleteVideoSeries

About the video:

UNIX Kernel:
The UNIX operating system kernel is the core of the system. The kernel performs the following functions;
1. Process management
2. Memory management
3. File system
4. Input/output system

This video has explained the following concepts in detail with examples.
1. Unix Software Architecture
2. Unix Kernel
3. System Call Interface
4. Unix System Calls
5. The User Mode and Kernel Mode
6. CUI Vs. GUI

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