ULTIMATE Windows Sandbox Guide | One-Click Virtual Machine!

ULTIMATE Windows Sandbox Guide | One-Click Virtual Machine!

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You want to know what the ultimate Anti-Virus protection is… a virtual machine to test suspicious downloads before installing any software. You might not want to do this, however, because VMs are hard to setup, require a lot of system resources, and take time to download necessary ISOs, updates, etc.

Yet, by using Windows Sandbox, all of these issues are fixed! This newish Windows feature is easy to setup, easy to run on low-end systems, and offers a completely safe walled-in computing environment that allows you to install software that would normally mess up your install of Windows.

In this video, I show you the requirements for this feature, how to get it installed on your box, and the features/limitations of the Sandbox. Hopefully this guide will be helpful to keep you safe!

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Big thanks to Kevin Macleod for composing amazing music and keeping it free! (www.incomptech.com)
Also, thanks for watching!

#windows #sandbox #tutorial #vm

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