ULTIMATE 4K HD – FIX Stuck Pixel Dead Pixel 4096p 60FPS Pixel REPAIR – 1 HOUR FULL 4K HD

ULTIMATE 4K HD – FIX Stuck Pixel Dead Pixel 4096p 60FPS Pixel REPAIR – 1 HOUR FULL 4K HD

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ULTIMATE – TRUE 4K Super HD Dead Pixel Fixer – IDP-Film Studios Software v.1.00.01B ( MK2 ) http://www.idp-film.com/
MK3 version now Released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X71jVGybxb4
** Note: unlike others we have 72458 different flotation points with complete spectrum to eliminate dead pixels within this program**

TRUE 4K Super HD Dead Pixel Fixer – software produced by IDP-Film.com & uploaded to 4096 x 2160 TRUE 4K S-UHD
1 HOUR Version

SEIZURE WARNING – read description below
DO NOT WATCH THE SCREEN – while running the program !

Program produced for our Studio Cinema Displays at
run this program at 4K HD

FILE SIZE: 4096 x 2160 TOTAL UPLOAD – SIZE 39.42GB – 4K S-UHD on YouTube
Note: unlike others we have 72458 different flotation points with complete spectrum to eliminate dead pixels within this program.

Do you have dead or stuck pixels on your laptop screen or retina display or TV ?

Keep replaying this video until the dead pixel or stuck pixel has been repaired/unstuck.
This video fixed the stuck pixels on my Large TV and also Macbook Pro’s Retina display, be warned it can take hours depending on the pixel.

If this method doesn’t work for you, Google the pen tip pixel method or contact the manufacturer of your display.
This video should also work on smart phones, iPhone, iPad and tablets as well.

***Seizure warning ****
***Seizure warning ****
***Seizure warning ****
***Seizure warning ****


Turn the screen away from you, if using a mobile device leave it face down and allow the video to run to the end, repeat the video if necessary.

You run the program at your own risk – you have been told not to look at the screen.

If this does not work contact the manufacturer of your display – you may need to replace the screen: the screen may have a life-span of a few years and every display maybe different.


Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.