Turn Any Device Into A Monitor With This Simple Trick.. #Shorts

Turn Any Device Into A Monitor With This Simple Trick.. #Shorts

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Channel Avatar Phone Repair Guru2022-06-04 18:11:15 Thumbnail
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My Repair Tools:
MAGSAFE MAGNETS : https://geni.us/BgyY
Tools and Organizer( iPhone Screen Stand/ iPad Screen Stand – Microsoldering tools etc) https://www.wrepair.com (Discount Code PRG5 for 5% Off Entire Store/ Discount Code PRG10 for 10% off $500+ orders)
Qianli Screw Driver Holder: https://geni.us/QIANLIICUBE
Qianli Screw Drivers : https://geni.us/QIANLISCREWDRIVER
Display / Battery Programmer: https://geni.us/jCfJoB
Tools Used (IFIXIT) : https://geni.us/JBYJF
Qianli Clamps: https://geni.us/QianliClamps
My Blue Mat: https://geni.us/BLUEMAT
Ifixit Starter Kit: https://geni.us/STARTERKIT
Heat Gun: https://geni.us/HEATGUN
Electronic Screw DriverP: https://geni.us/WOWSTICK

Filming Gear:

LUMIX G85 https://geni.us/G85CAMERA
Lumix GH5 https://geni.us/PANASONICLUMIXGH5
Rode Wireless Go Mic https://geni.us/RHODEWIRELESSGO
Rode VideoMicro https://geni.us/RHODEMIC
Studio Lights https://geni.us/STUDIOLIGHTS
Spinning Thing https://geni.us/ROTATINGDISPLAYSTAND

Guru Approved:

Easy Button https://geni.us/EASYBUTTON
Gameboy Case https://geni.us/GAMEBOYCASE
MagSafe Cooler https://geni.us/jCfJoB
Nutella AirPod Case https://geni.us/PhUZC
Giant AirPod https://geni.us/GIANTAIRPOD
Nano Leaf Lights https://geni.us/xuKg
Anker MagSafe Charging Stand https://geni.us/ANKER
Framed / Disassembled iPhones Display https://xreart.com/?ref=l0076ztwht

Phone Repair Guru assumes no liability for any damage caused to your phone as a result of any of the information contained in this video.

Do not attempt unless you are open to the possibility of further damaging your device.

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.