Top 10 Unix commands every programmer must know |  #java #python #unix #linux #programming #coding

Top 10 Unix commands every programmer must know | #java #python #unix #linux #programming #coding

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In this video, we’ll explore the top 10 most commonly used Unix commands, along with their descriptions and practical examples. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to brush up on your Unix skills, this guide will help you navigate and manipulate files and directories efficiently.

Commands Covered:

ls – Lists directory contents
cd – Changes the current directory
pwd – Prints the current working directory
cp – Copies files or directories
mv – Moves or renames files or directories
rm – Removes files or directories
mkdir – Creates a new directory
rmdir – Removes an empty directory
chmod – Changes file or directory permissions
grep – Searches for patterns within files
Stay tuned for detailed examples and explanations for each command!

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