The EA app is your new home for PC gaming | Fix ea app migration message

The EA app is your new home for PC gaming | Fix ea app migration message

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Channel Avatar Teconz2023-04-30 15:30:09 Thumbnail
This tutorial is about how can i disable the ea app is your new home for pc gaming or how to fix the ea app migration message.

Always check if you have the 2023 released latest version of origin or not.

This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to حل مشكله,cara mengatasi,hatası çözümü and deutsch languages.


Today i get the one pop up message while i try to sign in my origin account :

The EA app is your new home for PC gaming.

Now’s the time to upgrade.Install the EA app and log in with your EA Account to find all your games waiting for you.

Update EA app Learn More

Note that installing the EA app will uninstall Origin from your device.


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How to remove ea app migration message in origin after latest patch :

1.One of my subscriber ask to me,how to get rid of that pop up notification?.

2.And why this ea forced ea install for origin app.

3.So anyway if you like to fix this issue,just include that one command in local file.

4.Otherwise you can delete that i mentioned folder.

5.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.

6.This is the way you can easily bypass that popup message.

#eaappmigrationmessage #origin #theeaappisyournewhome

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