Teaching Online Using Google Jamboard Digital Whiteboard

Teaching Online Using Google Jamboard Digital Whiteboard

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Channel Avatar Abd Karim Alias2020-04-12 04:37:42 Thumbnail
Using Google Jamboard (whiteboard application) to Produce Online Lesson

In the physical chalk and talk classroom, it is very common for teachers to write on the blackboard or whiteboard while talking and explaining. It’s just feel very natural.

In the online courses, digital whiteboard can be used to produce teaching content. Tablets such as Wacom or iPad (with Apple pen) are perhaps the best devices for this purpose. Web-based digital whiteboard applications are available to record an online lesson.

In this video, I showed how to use free Google Jamboard application (both web-based and iPad app)) to produce a simple online lesson.

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.