Spotify can’t play this right now [SOLVED] (If you have the file on your computer you can import it)

Spotify can’t play this right now [SOLVED] (If you have the file on your computer you can import it)

HomeOther ContentSpotify can’t play this right now [SOLVED] (If you have the file on your computer you can import it)
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Channel Avatar TechInTheHouse2022-02-09 21:56:21 Thumbnail
Do you get an error message when you try to play a song or playlist? This is a quick guide on how to solve this issue. This is probably happening because you have the Microsoft Store version of Spotify.

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Why does Spotify say Spotify can’t play this right now if you have the file on your computer you can import it?
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How to Fix /”Spotify Can’t Play this Right Now/” (2020)
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