#Shorts video | how to change Date format in excel | why number populate in excel instead of dates.

#Shorts video | how to change Date format in excel | why number populate in excel instead of dates.

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#Shorts Video, you can change your excel data format with this trick , you can even know from where these numbers are getting populated.
#exceldatefunction #excelforbeginners #exceltutorial #Gyanontube #Excel

Download link :- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VRMJB3DKk7XqELFJIQgwDa-yJ3Bn1dii/view?usp=sharing

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Power BI In Excel In hindi :- https://youtu.be/PfijkfjHyVQ
How to use Power Bi from beginner to advanced :- https://youtu.be/Efo4FSlbDL4
Power Bi में अपना काम सेव एंड रिकॉर्ड करे :- https://youtu.be/wJzXu_UUJ3s
Power bi tutorial for beginners :- https://youtu.be/1M2b8s4MvjY
Power BI dashboard :- https://youtu.be/uVT-56tNeOQ
Microsoft power bi in hindi :- https://youtu.be/kZ6WhghlV-E
Microsoft power bi course for free :- https://youtu.be/QO7RVnnFCsQ
Delete unwanted columns in power bi :- https://youtu.be/Kb5hTlY-wPk
Text to column in power bi for beginners :- https://youtu.be/nPJUQvXu85o
Power BI with New Icon in 2020 :- https://youtu.be/aZG553zp__s
Power Bi Reference option :- https://youtu.be/v3AkqXCENkc
Edit Data in power bi manually :- https://youtu.be/NkuqjjnAmsA
power bi tutorial for beginners in hindi :- https://youtu.be/WRAk1Z4sFIY
power bi dax tutorial for beginners :- https://youtu.be/vvL2N1sD34U
Power BI relationships between tables :- https://youtu.be/2hKkEqCg7Ss

Excel formula
How to use index match formula from Basic to advance :- https://youtu.be/ViQBcYTuYUg
How to make big formula in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/fRazd3EBk-w
Xlookup and Filter formula in hindi :- https://youtu.be/817Z8U2AREw
How to reduce excel file size :- https://youtu.be/M35_4TiOYz4
How to use Xlookup in excel :- https://youtu.be/hkKDM-zWZKA
xlookup formula in hindi :- https://youtu.be/hkKDM-zWZKA
array function in excel :- https://youtu.be/1BceH5sWZEo
New Xlookup with Search Mode :- https://youtu.be/9tjXVXo6xUw
Xmatch formula in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/KmFsYXRQvRM
how to use filter formula in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/4YDn2WEkUtw
Excel formulas and functions:- https://youtu.be/1GjbkV1bwL0
How to use excel unique function:- https://youtu.be/LcDJWcOEnyw
Sort formula in excel :- https://youtu.be/dPrvH3ijgPE

Pivot Table
pivot table from beginner to advanced :- https://youtu.be/1NEwwdgFvuI
Pivot table in hindi :- https://youtu.be/IDKiyf0Devk
How to use pivot table excel :- https://youtu.be/0zn7sNE5itc
Pivot table in hindi in excel :- https://youtu.be/F4llCqqM4wA
Drill Down in Pivot table excel :- https://youtu.be/XhPX9Ni9pMw
Pivot Graph in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/iXUloN0RiaA
how to use pivot table slicer :- https://youtu.be/zjtTSepL0QE
IF formula in Pivot table :- https://youtu.be/JpXTFn3n2F0
power pivot in excel :- https://youtu.be/DB3feMPUw6Q
how to link data in power pivot in hindi :- https://youtu.be/kj_p4dNcW6U
how to use power pivot in excel in hindi :- https://youtu.be/0W8um12jGMs

Gyan On Tube Excel

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