Python Full Course for free  (2024)

Python Full Course for free (2024)

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#python #tutorial #beginners
Python tutorial for beginners’ full course 2024

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[ = project]
#1 (00:00:00) python tutorial for beginners
#2 (00:05:49) variables
#3 (00:16:05) type casting
#4 (00:21:15) user input ⌨️
#5 (00:32:42) madlibs game
#6 (00:37:55) arithmetic & math
#7 (00:51:46) if statements
#8 (01:00:06) calculator program
#9 (01:05:59) weight conversion program ️
#10 (01:09:59) temperature conversion program ️
#11 (01:13:58) logical operators ️
#12 (01:21:28) conditional expressions
#13 (01:27:03) string methods ️
#14 (01:39:08) string indexing ️
#15 (01:46:35) format specifiers
#16 (01:51:55) while loops ️
#17 (01:58:53) compound interest calculator
#18 (02:06:28) for loops
#19 (02:11:33) countdown timer program
#20 (02:17:28) nested loops
#21 (02:23:03) lists, sets, and tuples
#22 (02:38:08) shopping cart program
#23 (02:45:21) 2D collections
#24 (02:53:59) quiz game
#25 (03:03:27) dictionaries
#26 (03:11:33) concession stand program
#27 (03:19:42) random numbers
#28 (03:24:16) number guessing game
#29 (03:32:37) rock, paper, scissors game
#30 (03:42:06) dice roller program
#31 (03:52:12) functions
#32 (04:02:50) default arguments
#33 (04:08:56) keyword arguments ️
#34 (04:15:40) *args & **kwargs
#35 (04:30:33) iterables
#36 (04:37:04) membership operators
#37 (04:45:56) list comprehensions
#38 (04:56:17) match-case statements
#39 (05:02:13) modules
#40 (05:08:51) scope resolution
#41 (05:14:22) if name == ‘main’:
#42 (05:23:34) banking program
#43 (05:38:34) slot machine
#44 (05:58:45) encryption program
#45 (06:07:26) hangman game
#46 (06:32:32) python object oriented programming
#47 (06:44:50) class variables
#48 (06:53:06) inheritance ‍‍
#49 (07:00:02) multiple inheritance
#50 (07:08:04) super()
#51 (07:21:10) polymorphism
#52 (07:29:15) duck typing
#53 (07:33:34) static methods
#54 (07:39:31) class methods
#55 (07:46:16) magic methods
#56 (07:59:51) @property ️
#57 (08:07:33) decorators
#58 (08:14:57) exception handling
#59 (08:20:46) file detection ️‍️
#60 (08:27:47) writing files
#61 (08:41:33) reading files
#62 (08:48:29) dates & times
#63 (08:54:46) alarm clock
#64 (09:05:03) multithreading
#65 (09:13:45) request API data ↩️
#66 (09:22:19) PyQt5 GUI intro ️
#67 (09:31:27) PyQt5 labels ️
#68 (09:40:23) PyQt5 images
#69 (09:46:28) PyQt5 layout managers
#70 (09:53:07) PyQt5 buttons ️
#71 (10:00:12) PyQt5 checkboxes
#72 (10:06:42) PyQt5 radio buttons
#73 (10:15:55) PyQt5 line edits
#74 (10:21:55) PyQt5 CSS styles
#75 (10:32:48) digital clock program
#76 (10:48:38) stopwatch program
#77 (11:06:05) weather API app ️

Python Interpreter:
PyCharm IDE:

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This video is the intellectual property of Bro Code. All rights reserved. No part of this video may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to recording, uploading, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without my written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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