powershell for hackers #003

powershell for hackers #003

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Loops and Iteration in powershell, let’s create an array that will contains a bunsh of names, we gonna call it names, and assinge to it ahmed, hicham, and ali, now i want to see in the output a message that says hello ahmed, hello karim, and hello hicham, to do that i am going to use the foreach loop that is used to iterate over a coolection of items, in our case an array of names, so foreach ( $name in $names) which for each element in the whole array) { write-host /”hello, $name } hit enter , as you can see we got hello ahmed, hello karim, hello hicham.
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The content in this video is for educational purposes only. We do not promote or condone any illegal activity or hacking without the expressed
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The tar command is a widely used utility in Unix-like operating systems that enables the creation, compression, extraction, and manipulation of archive files. It is primarily used for bundling multiple files and directories into a single file, often referred to as a tarball.
Here is a comprehensive description of the tar command that includes various keywords people may search for:

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