PowerShell 7 Tutorial 7: Introduction to Array and ArrayList

PowerShell 7 Tutorial 7: Introduction to Array and ArrayList

HomeOther ContentPowerShell 7 Tutorial 7: Introduction to Array and ArrayList
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Channel Avatar NetITGeeks2023-02-20 02:15:44 Thumbnail
In our last two tutorials (Tutorial 5 and 6), we covered Variables in PowerShell. In this tutorial, I introduce you to Arrays and ArrayLists (or Array Lists) in PowerShell 7.

This demonstration uses PowerShell 7 and Visual Studio code with PowerShell 7 extension. But the PowerShell commands and steps taken here can be written on any other text editor or IDE/ISE.

-Windows PowerShell playlist:
-Windows Server Admin playlist:
-Microsoft Windows playlist:

Microsoft docs:

Section 1: Arrays
0:00:00 – Array introduction
0:03:18 – Creating an Array
0:19:26 – Accessing elements
0:26:26 – Add or delete elements
Section 2: ArrayLists
0:45:04 – ArrayList introduction
0:47:07 – Creating an ArrayList
0:52:05 – Appending ArrayList
1:11:40 – Accessing elements

Track: WhileART Sessions Episode 02 | Waramathi (වරමාතී) Fusion
Watch: https://youtu.be/8gexRRFfbpQ


Manuja Senanayake

#PowerShell #array #arrayList #powershellscripting #PowerShell7 #windows11

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