MS Project Integration with Outlook for Project Managers

MS Project Integration with Outlook for Project Managers

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Channel Avatar Eng Michel Andrey2019-08-31 01:50:33 Thumbnail
Integrating MS Project with MS Outlook for Project Managers

Hi Everyone,

Just want to share the code I created to integrate tasks on MS Project-MSP with MS Outlook Calendar-MSOC, sending notes from MSP to MSOC and to the person on to Team assigned to it.

#continuousimprovement #PMP # #agile #bealearner #agilist #keeplearning #stopcomplaining

The code:

Option Explicit

Public myOLApp As Outlook.Application
‘By Michel Kohler, don´t forget to thank!

Sub Export_Selection_To_OL_Appointments()
Dim myTask As Task
Dim myItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim myRequiredAttendee As Outlook.Recipient ‘Vas as Set Outlook Recipient
Dim myPResEmail As String ‘Var as email Address-String

On Error Resume Next ‘if error found, jump to next
‘Starts Microsoft Outlook (if it’s not already running) and opens the default Inbox folder
Set myOLApp = CreateObject(/”Outlook.Application/”)

For Each myTask In ActiveSelection.Tasks ‘Loop through the tasks
Set myItem = myOLApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) ‘Create an appointment
With myItem ‘For each appointment do something
.MeetingStatus = olMeeting ‘Set the meeting status to meeting
.Start = myTask.Start ‘Set the start and finish
.End = myTask.Finish
.Subject = myTask.Name & /” (Project Task)/”
.Categories = myTask.Project
.Body = myTask.Notes
.BusyStatus = olFree

‘Add a required attendee
myPResEmail = myTask.Resources(1).EMailAddress ‘Resources(1).EMailAddress
Set myRequiredAttendee = .Recipients.Add(myPResEmail)
myRequiredAttendee.Type = olRequired

‘Set a reminder
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderOverrideDefault = True
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = myTask.Number1

‘Make this appointment unique for later reference
.Categories = myTask.Guid
‘.Class = myTask.Guid

‘Send this meeting invite

End With
Next myTask

End Sub

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