Microsoft Teams Message:  Only Org Members Have Access to the Meeting Recap!

Microsoft Teams Message: Only Org Members Have Access to the Meeting Recap!

HomeOther ContentMicrosoft Teams Message: Only Org Members Have Access to the Meeting Recap!
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Channel Avatar Evening Computing2025-02-15 02:53:39 Thumbnail
Have you seen the message, /”Only org members have access to the meeting recap,/” when trying to view a Microsoft Teams meeting recap as a guest? In this video, we explain why this happens and what you can do about it.

This issue has been occurring since around 2024 and is tied to changes in Microsoft Teams’ features. In February 2025, Microsoft confirmed that the /”Meetings Recap/” feature is currently limited to members of the meeting host’s organisation. While this may change in future updates, for now, guests need to request the recording to be shared manually through OneDrive or Stream.

Watch to learn more about this limitation, Microsoft’s response, and how to work around it when sharing recordings with external participants.

For a more detailed explanation, please visit this page:

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