Microsoft new email address update scam. Do not click on the link!

Microsoft new email address update scam. Do not click on the link!

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Help as many people achieve financial freedom as possible and contribute back to society using the revenue generated from this channel.

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About me
Do you want to achieve financial freedom?

Are you aspired to join the FIRE movement?

I am a Singaporean who had gained financial freedom at the age of 34. I had worked for the past ten years, often questioning the purpose of my existence. Every single day I live like a zombie and happiness was often short-lived from Friday night to Sunday morning. I would work for eleven and a half months straight, just to get one to two weeks to go for a holiday. Don’t you think it is a stupid way of wasting my life away? I certainly think so!

Around March 2020, during the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was working for a public listed company as a software engineer. I saw with my own eyes what most companies can do during such a black swan event. All employees, no matter the rank, are expendable. You will get terminated or replaced in a heartbeat. The only way to safeguard yourself is to build something of your own, it could be a business or passive income. That is what I do, and the rest is history. Feel free to drop me a message, so we could discuss more.

Talking about the rat race, why do we need to be the norm and work from 9 to 5 until we are old? By that age, you won’t have the strength or capabilities to do what you desired. Money is often the culprit when one chooses to be the norm. What is the purpose of life? Does your life just revolve around work and money? I am here to help you resolve the money issue, put money out of the equation, and you could pursue something that you like and enjoy doing. Do like my video and subscribe, I will upload content every single week.

Through investing, I’ve managed to own private properties in Singapore and have more than 10 streams of income. I have multiple portfolios in stocks, bonds, options, crypto, and other alternate investment. Each portfolio size has a minimum of 6 digit figures. I had achieved financial freedom through investing, my channel is to educate the rest of the world and be inspired. Hopefully, I can bring value to everyone as my way to contribute back to society.

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