Memory integrity is off your device may be vulnerable | memory integrity can’t be turned on

Memory integrity is off your device may be vulnerable | memory integrity can’t be turned on

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This tutorial is about how to fix memory integrity cannot be turned on/memory integrity is off your device may be vulnerable.

This 2023 released solution also works on windows 11 based laptop and pc.

Some error occurred drivers are xhunter1.sys,tencent,logitech and ftdibus.sys.

If may be again it won’t turn on/turn off just comment to me.

This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and cara mengatasi languages.


Today i get the following one error notification while i try to turn on the memory integrity in my windows 10 pc :

Memory integrity is off.Your device may be vulnerable. Dismiss


Resolve any driver incompatibilities and scan again.

Scan again

Review incompatible drivers

Learn more

Windows Security

Device security

Memory integrity can’t be turned on

Try resolving any incompatibilities with your drivers.

Incompatible drivers.

Resolving incompatibilities with these drivers will enable you to turn on Memory integrity.

Learn how to resolve problems with incompatible drivers.


Fuzhou Rockchip


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How to solve memory integrity is off your device may be vulnerable page not available :

1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.

2.This is occurs due to incompatible drivers.

3.So if you like to fix this issue,just open your command prompt.

4.But you can run command prompt as administrator mode.

5.And then execute first command to locate your problem occurred drivers.

6.Once you identify the drivers,just execute second one to delete or uninstall that drivers.

7.So once you done this processes and one time restart your windows pc.

8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.

#memoryintegrityisoff #memoryintegritycannotbeturnedon #windows10

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