Lock Part of a Word Document – Restrict Sections or Pages of your Fillable Form in MS Word

Lock Part of a Word Document – Restrict Sections or Pages of your Fillable Form in MS Word

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Channel Avatar Sharon Smith2020-05-13 15:24:34 Thumbnail
HOW TO LOCK PARTS OF YOUR WORD DOCUMENT AND RESTRICT ONLY CERTAIN SECTIONS OR PAGES TO FILLING IN FORMS // Learn to protect only selected sections of your document to filling in forms. This allows you to have one page or one section of your document restricted to filling in forms and your users can still edit other parts of the document. This video demonstrates how to restrict editing to filling in forms on the first page of a form document as well as on a certain section of the second page of the form using the /”Next Page/” and /”Continuous/” Section Breaks under the Layout tab. You will also see how to Show/Hide your Section Breaks so you will know which sections to select for restricted editing.

**BE SURE TO WATCH FILLABLE FORMS VIDEO PART 1: https://youtu.be/YktZ3B-tyqs
**BE SURE TO WATCH FILLABLE FORMS VIDEO PART 2: https://youtu.be/n_Ni_fj-158

TIP: To ensure the Developer tab is visible in MS Word so you can insert form fields, follow these steps:
1) Right Click on the Ribbon area and select /”Customize Ribbon/”
2) The Customize Ribbon and Keyboard Shortcuts window opens
3) On the right hand side under /”Customize the Ribbon – Main Tab/” ensure the /”Developer/” checkbox is selected, then click OK.
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KEYWORDS: #MSWord, microsoft word tutorial, create fillable forms, lock part of a word document, lock part of your form document, fillable forms in word, show hide section breaks, protect only part of a word document, lock one page of a document, lock one section of a document, enable developer tab, restrict sections of a fillable form, word productivity tools, how to protect sections of a word document from being edited, Sharon Smith HR, @SharonSmithHR
Creating Fillable Forms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YktZ3B-tyqs&list=PLb80efKTbWuOe1LfFMNExEabkRkB5ehcv

Excel Tutorials for HR: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb80efKTbWuNjHDGgNeuGrGwOvh4JQC90

Excel Quickies (Around 2 Minutes): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb80efKTbWuPI7fEWtroXHvJHhx5FnVMW

Word Tutorials for HR: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb80efKTbWuMotoYEXBFMlB3PtsBlFn45

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