Is rebellion a noun verb or adjective?

Is rebellion a noun verb or adjective?

HomeArticles, FAQIs rebellion a noun verb or adjective?

​ [uncountable, countable] an attempt by some of the people in a country to change their government, using violence synonym uprising. in rebellion (against somebody/something) The north of the country rose in rebellion against the government. The army put down the rebellion.

Q. What is the verb of rebellion?

The verb rebel means to engage in rebellion. As a noun, rebel can refer to a revolutionary or to a person who is defiant or disobedient.

Q. What is the noun form of rebellion?

rebellion. (uncountable) Armed resistance to an established government or ruler. (countable) Defiance of authority or control; the act of rebelling. (countable) An organized, forceful subversion of the law of the land in an attempt to replace it with another form of government.

Q. What is the adjective form of revolt?

adjective. /rɪˈvəʊltɪŋ/ /rɪˈvəʊltɪŋ/ ​extremely unpleasant synonym disgusting, nauseating (2)

Q. Is revolt a word?

noun. the act of revolting; an insurrection or rebellion. an expression or movement of spirited protest or dissent: a voter revolt at the polls.

Q. What is another word for revolt?

Some common synonyms of revolt are insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, and uprising.

Q. What is a antonym for rebellion?

Antonyms: authority, command, control, domination, dominion, empire, government, law, loyalty, obedience, order, rule, sovereignty, submission, supremacy. Synonyms: anarchy, confusion, disintegration, disorder, insubordination, insurrection, lawlessness, mutiny, revolt, revolution, riot, sedition, tumult.

Q. Is rebellion a revolt?

Rebellion, uprising, or insurrection is a refusal of obedience or order. It refers to the open resistance against the orders of an established authority. The goal of rebellion is resistance while a revolt seeks a revolution.

Q. What Bible says about rebellion?

1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king.

Q. What is an example of a rebellion?

The definition of a rebellion is a resistance against something, particularly the government, authority or other controlling forces. An example of a rebellion is a refusal by a large group of people to follow a law. Having a tattoo was Mathilda’s personal rebellion against her parents.

Q. Is rebellion a good thing?

It is quite common for parents to judge another parents’ ability to raise a child by how obedient their child is. Encouraging a healthy level of rebellion in a child is actually better for their emotional development, as it helps them explore the world, form a sense of self and later become fully functional adults.

Q. Why teenage rebellion is a good thing?

Allowing & encouraging teens to ask questions. Taking an interest in new pursuits or interests a teen may have. Asking your teen about what they enjoy or want out of life. Encouraging a climate of open discussion about ideas and values.

Q. How do you know if you’re a rebel?

Your style screams “unapproachable” to others. Looking attractive to others has never been your goal when getting dressed in the morning. You don’t care if you don’t fit into other people’s narrow definitions of what you should look like—all you care about is being true to yourself and what you think looks good.

Q. Why it is not good to be a rebel?

Answer: Its not good to be a rebel oneself because if you oppose each and every thing then no one will accept you. You will not be respected by others and nobody would like you. It will cause problems in relationship with your family and friends.

Q. What does the word rebel mean?

Definition of rebel (Entry 3 of 3) intransitive verb. 1a : to oppose or disobey one in authority or control. b : to renounce and resist by force the authority of one’s government. 2a : to act in or show opposition or disobedience rebelled against the conventions of polite society.

Q. What makes a person a rebel?

a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country. a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition.

Q. When everybody talks What does the rebel do?

When everybody talks during the lesson, The rebel doesn’t say a word. When nobody talks during the lesson, The rebel creates a disturbance.

Q. How does the rebel dress himself when everybody wears a uniform?

When everybody wears a uniform, The rebel dresses in fantastic clothes. When everybody wears fantastic clothes, The rebel dresses soberly.

Q. How does the rebel behave in the class?

Answer. Answer: When everybody talks during the lessons, the rebel becomes absolutely silent.

Q. What do you think the rebel doesn’t like?

Thus, the rebel doesn’t like what others like. The poet exemplifies it through a pseudo rebel who likes short hair when everyone has long hair. When the others are talking, he remains silent and when others are quiet, he loves to create a disturbance. Similarly, in the group of dog lovers, he prefers cats and so on.

Q. Who is speaker in the poem?

Just like fiction has a narrator, poetry has a speaker–someone who is the voice of the poem. Often times, the speaker is the poet. Other times, the speaker can take on the voice of a persona–the voice of someone else including animals and inanimate objects.

Q. When everybody is praising the sun the rebel?

Answer. Explanation: When everybody is praising the sun , the rebel remarks on the need for rain. When everybody is greeting the rain, the rebel regrets the absence of sun.

Q. What does the rebel do when others keep their hair short?

(1) “When everybody has short hair, The rebel lets his hair grow long, When everybody has long hair, The rebel cuts his hair short” – Explain. Ans:- The poet, D.J. Enright the appearance of the rebel. He says that when everybody gets their hairs short, the rebel would let his hairs grow much long.

Q. Does a rebel love dogs?

Does a rebel love dogs? No. the rebel does not love dogs. However, he will speak in their favour only when someone is speaking well of the cats.

Q. What did GOLU eat GOLU grows a nose?

A fly stung Golu on the shoulder. Golu hit the fly with his long nose (trunk). The fly lay dead Golu plucked a large bundle of grass, dusted it against his forelegs. He stuffed the grass into his mouth with the help of his long nose (trunk).

Q. What did the lady find in the forest?

Answer: The lady found the bear cub in the forest, half dead of hunger. It was very small.

Q. Who was the lady and how did she find a bear?

(1) Who was the lady and how did she find a bear? Ans: – The lady, who lived in her old manor – house on the border of a big forest. She loved to have pets. One day she found a bear in the middle of the forest, almost half dead of hunger.

Q. What was Bear promised on her lady’s return?

The lady visited her sister every Sunday. Before going to her she put the bear on chain. She would tap his head and promise an apple on her return if he remained good during her absence.

Q. What was the lady found of?

Answer: The lady found the bear cub in the forest near her house. She fed him with bottle milk. Her cook helped her in this task.

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Is rebellion a noun verb or adjective?.
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