I Tested Malware Against Smartphones

I Tested Malware Against Smartphones

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Channel Avatar Crypto NWO2024-03-21 19:58:07 Thumbnail
Today, we’re testing ransomware (coronavirus tracker, Double Locker, Sara, WannaCry and Simple Locker) against a Samsung Galaxy Android Phone. Produced by anonymous creators, these phone virus ransomwares are in no particular order and are all set for a face-off vs a Samsung Galaxy Android Phone.

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tags: I Downloaded The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses, virus vs android, virus vs phone, computer virus, I Tested Malware Against Androids, I Tested Malware Against Smartphones

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0:00 virus vs android
0:34 covid tracker
4:27 doublelocker ransomware
7:39 tiktok.apk (sara)
10:44 wannalocker (wannacry)
14:16 simplelocker (terrifying)

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