How to use ChromeCast Screen Mirroring on PC to TV (Desktop Mirroring Tutorial)

How to use ChromeCast Screen Mirroring on PC to TV (Desktop Mirroring Tutorial)

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Do you want to know how to wirelessly use Chromecast Screen Mirroring on your PC to Mirror your ENTIRE PC DESKTOP to your BIG SCREEN TV??? Mirroring your PC desktop is so easy with CHROMECAST, you have the option to mirror the entire desktop, a specific file, or just a tab. The method I show you in the video does require you to have google chrome installed on your PC. Once it’s installed open up google chrome and go to the 3 dots in the upper right hand side of the screen.

No scroll down to /”cast/” when you select cast you can selected sources for your different streaming locations. Mirroring your desktop, you can display home movies, photos or a webpage! Chromecast can even mirror your PC to TV at 1080p with newer versions going up to 4k! So if you want to wirelessly screen mirror your PC desktop to your smart tv, google chromecast makes this task super easy and efficient! …

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