How to update your CHROMEBOOK 2019 – Upto date

How to update your CHROMEBOOK 2019 – Upto date

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Channel Avatar Oston Code Cypher2018-10-07 11:15:41 Thumbnail
Details – STEP by STEP::
I came across such question and thought my solution will be important.

Unable to change channel and/or update my chromebook.
/”Anytime I try to update from Version 45 to newer it says that my system is already updated…

It does the same when I try to change from stable channel to beta or developer.

In both cases the Chromebook does not download and update anything and run always on 45 version even after multiple reboots…./”

Does anybody know what’s happening with my Chromebook and how could I fix it?

Try issuing this command string:

Open the CrOSH shell: /”Ctrl + Alt + t/”
issue /”update_over_cellular enable/”
type /”exit/” to leave the shell

Then try to update again.

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