How to Speed up Divi in 2023 | 4 simple POWERFUL steps

How to Speed up Divi in 2023 | 4 simple POWERFUL steps

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Nobody likes a slow Divi website. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to speed up your Divi Website in 3 simple but POWERFUL steps! Speed up your Divi website like a real pro. Start here

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I want you to succeed with your website, so lets get started.

0:00 Intro
1:05 Speed tools
1:56 Enable Divi Caching
3:21 Clean up Plugins
4:11 Install Caching Plugin
9:54 Final tests
11:16 Optimize images

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In this video we’ll be speeding up your Divi
website in just four easy to follow steps. I’ll show you how to enable all the performance options from Divi itself. How to check your websites on three different speed tests. How to optimize your entire website using the best Divi caching plugin. And how to optimize all your images using a free plugin. Let’s speed it up right now!

Login to your WordPress website. If you are still logging in using /wp-admin/…
that’s not a very safe way, so please watch my tutorial about securing your WordPress website. We’re going to optimize a real existing website of one of my clients, Alphabet Apartments, and they have multiple things going on here. They have big images, they have moving objects, they also have this script running in the foreground. But before we start tuning and changing things, we need to check our base score from our website. To do that we are using three different tools. We go to

PageSpeed Insights and we’re gonna fill in our URL over there, and we press on Analyze. But not only PageSpeed Insights we’re also gonna use GTMetrix. So go to this website and paste in your URL and press Test your site. Here we go. And last but not least we’re going to use the website of Pingdom. Also paste in your website choose a location near to you, we’re going to use Europe. Press Start test. We can see that on mobile this is the results right now, and on desktop these are the results. Not very good. I think we can improve this. And this is the score in GTMetrix we can see that we have a B in performance and Pingdom is giving us a D alright. So this website out of the box is well, not really bad, but we can definitely improve this. So I’m gonna walk you through the steps to improve this website. Very first thing you do: is you go to your Divi over there, and we click on Theme options. There you go to the tab ‘Performance’ over here. Now make sure that all these things are enabled. Dynamic icons, critical CSS JavaScript, WordPress Gutenberg, improve Google fonts loading, and defer jQuery, and also additional party scripts. Let’s enable all of these and press save changes.
I’m curious if this did something to our scores. Let’s see. So to do this we just press on analyze again, like this. And it’s going to analyze it again. We can press on GTMetrix the Te-Test button over here. And again we can press the start test . Well we’ve got some slight improvements on Pingdom. And we do get some slight improvements from
GTMetrix. So that is actually really great. Oh best practices is now at 100. That’s really great. It has also gotten some slight improvements. With every speed optimization you do, make sure your website still works. So we’re gonna open up our website in a new private window, over there. Just to load it all in and see if everything still works. As you can see the script is being delayed. As you can see now the loading goes smoothly and everything still works. Does my script still works? Yes all right. So it looks.

and the website still works. Alright really great. Now the next thing we should do actually is go to your plugins, installed plugins. Look very carefully at your plugins. See what plugins are you actually using, and what plugins can be left out. On this website I have installed a couple of plugins just for fun, just to show you that we’re not using them so we can easily just remove them. Delete like this. And press ok. Now as you can see on this website I only have four plugins working.
I have a Divi Carousel – I’m using it for to create this awesome guest reviews – if you want to see more about the Divi Carousel, check out this video…

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