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00:00 | Intro
00:32 | How to attach emails to a new email in Gmail
03:44 | How to attach emails to an email reply in Gmail
05:02 | Wrap up
Useful links
See more info on how to attach and send emails in Gmail in this article from the Google Support Center ‘Send emails as attachments’
Links referenced in this video
Once logged into Google, Gmail can be found at
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How to attach emails to a new email in Gmail
Let’s start by looking at how to attach an email in Gmail to a fresh email that you are creating.
So I’m logged into Google and in Gmail.
If you want to send a single email as an attachment, the fastest way to do this I think, is by starting in your inbox.
If you click in the checkbox to the right of the email you want to select, in order to highlight it
And then move to the 3 dots in the top menu bar.
If we click on that icon, you’ll see we are offered an option at the very bottom of the list to Forward as attachment.
If we choose that option, a new email is created and the email is automatically attached to it.
This email can then be updated and sent just like a normal email.
If I discard that email, you’ll see that if we want to send multiple emails we can also select them by clicking on the checkbox next to each one and then choosing the ‘Forward as attachment’ option from the menu bar. All the emails are then added in the same way as we’ve seen before.
If I choose to send a new email with an email attachment, I can do this by first clicking on the ‘Compose an email’ icon in the top left of the inbox, to open a new email window
The easiest way to add email attachments to the email is to click and hold the email we want to add and then drag our mouse pointer to the email.
We’ll know this is working because we’ll see the email change to say ‘Drop emails here’ and a blue box will also appear to highlight that we are moving 1 email conversation.
How to attach emails to an email reply in Gmail
Let’s now move on to look at the steps we need to take in Gmail to attach emails when replying to an email.
So, attaching an email to an existing email conversation does involve some additional steps
Lets click onto an existing conversation.
As we don’t have email preview setup in Gmail, this opens in its own window.
Lets click on the reply option in the top right of the window, and you’ll see a blank reply window opens
In order to attach an email to this reply message, we now need to move this email into a window of its own, and we do that by clicking on the ‘Pop-out reply’ option in the top corner of the mail
This then opens the reply message in a separate window.
However we still can’t see any emails, so to find them, we need to move to the list of folders in the left hand navigation bar.
I’ll open the inbox, but you should choose the folder where you know the email you want to attach is visible.
If you want to attach multiple emails and you’re struggling to see all the mails in a single view, check out the tip in the first part of this guide on how to use labels to show all the emails you want to attach in a single view.
We can now treat this reply just like a new email
So we can click and hold to drag individual emails we want to attach to the reply
Or as we’ve seen before, we can select multiple emails using the check box on the left, and then click and hold any one of those emails to drag the whole group of emails to the reply.
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