How to reset/clear all Local Group Policy settings Windows 10 Tutorial easily  with command prompt

How to reset/clear all Local Group Policy settings Windows 10 Tutorial easily with command prompt

HomeOther ContentHow to reset/clear all Local Group Policy settings Windows 10 Tutorial easily with command prompt
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Channel Avatar Newbie Computer2021-08-30 02:28:34 Thumbnail
If you made many Group Policy changes, you can revert the settings to their defaults quickly. In this video, I show you how to complete the task on Windows 10.

1. Open Elevated Command Prompt(Run Administrator)
2. Type this command
RD /S /Q /”%WinDir%//System32//GroupPolicyUsers/” && RD /S /Q /”%WinDir%//System32//GroupPolicy/”
3. type this command
gpupdate /force
4. Restart Your Computer


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