How To Remove File Type Associations In Windows 11 – Unset A Default App For A File Type Extension

How To Remove File Type Associations In Windows 11 – Unset A Default App For A File Type Extension

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Channel Avatar Websplaining2022-12-28 19:05:31 Thumbnail
How To Remove File Type Associations In Windows 11 – How To Unset A Default App For A File Type Extension In Windows 11

In this video, I will be showing you how to remove the default app that you have associated with a certain file type extension. Some file type extensions by default, don’t have programmes or apps associated with them and therefore can not be opened or ran. During your troubleshooting to open or run that file, you may have associated it with a with a certain app such as Notepad for example. Now you don’t like the fact that Notepad has been associated with that file type extension and would like to unset the default app for it so that the icon for that file type extension is blank white like it originally was.

Steps To Remove File Type Extension Associated Default App In Windows:
1. Left click on the Windows start icon on your taskbar
2. Click on the search box at the top of the start menu
3. Search for /”File Explorer Options/”
4. Click on File Explorer Options for the best match or Open to open your File Explorer Options
5. Click View
6. Uncheck mark the box for /”Hide extensions for known file types/”
7. Click Apply and then Ok
8. Right click on a blank area on your desktop
9. Hover over /”New/” and click /”Text Document/”
10. Rename the new text document on your desktop by deleting the file name including the .txt file type extension
11. Rename the file and add a random filename extension after the name such as .jak4
12. Hit Enter on your keyboard
13. Click Yes
14. Right click on the file that you want to remove the default app for
15. Click Properties
16. Click Change
17. Click Choose an app on your PC
18. Click the arrow next to Programmes (*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*bat;*cmd) at the bottom right hand corner of the /”Open with…/” window and select All Files (*.*)
19. Locate the file with the random file type extension that you created, and click on it to select it
20. Click Open
21. Click /”Set default/”. You will now notice that your file now, no longer has a default app associated with it. It now has a blank white icon
22. You can now delete the file with the random file type extension
23. All that’s left to do now is to open back up File Explorer Options, click View, and re-checkmark the box for Hide extensions for known file types.

Congratulations, you have successfully removed the default app for your chosen file type extension. The icon is now blank white, like it originally was.

0:00 – Intro & Context
1:07 – Remove The Default App For A File Type Extension
5:12 – Closing & Outro

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