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| 2018-10-17 00:59:50 | ![]() 15,934 Views |
Using the import-csv cmdlet with where-object and parse the data out of the CSV file using comparison operators:
-eq Equal
-ne Not equal
-ge Greater than or equal
-gt Greater than
-lt Less than
-le Less than or equal
-like Wildcard comparison
-notlike Wildcard comparison
Logical operators
-and Logical And
$file= /”C://Users//Nick//Downloads//data.csv/”
$data= import-csv $file
$results= $data | where {$_.Username -eq /”Sam Blackman/”}
$file= /”C://Users//Nick//Downloads//data.csv/”
$data= import-csv $file
$results= $data | where {$_.Username -like /”*Sam*/”}
$file= /”C://Users//Nick//Downloads//data.csv/”
$data= import-csv $file
$results= $data | where {$_.ID -le /”5/”}
$results |ft | out-file test13.txt
$file= /”C://Users//Nick//Downloads//data.csv/”
$data= import-csv $file
$results= $data | where {($_.Location -notlike /”Seattle/”) -and ($_.Location -notlike /”Washington DC/”)}
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