How To install QEMU KVM & VirtManager on Ubuntu || Run Virtual Machines On Ubuntu

How To install QEMU KVM & VirtManager on Ubuntu || Run Virtual Machines On Ubuntu

HomeOther ContentHow To install QEMU KVM & VirtManager on Ubuntu || Run Virtual Machines On Ubuntu
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Channel Avatar Ksk Royal2023-09-01 13:27:01 Thumbnail
QEMU/KVM Shortly known as Quick Emulator which is an open source type 2 hypervisor that allows to create and manage virtual machines.Qemu uses KVM (kernel virtual Machine) a type 1 hypervisor for hardware based virtualization to achieve better performance.

In this video I am gonna show how to install qemu with kvm on ubuntu. We gonna also install virt-manager a front end Graphical User interface for managing KVM virtual machines. Upon installing Qemu with KVM on ubuntu I am gonna show you how to create a virtual machine and attach an ISO to install any operating system. Enjoy the video.

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sudo apt update
sudo apt install qemu libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils virt-manager ovmf

// *Enable QEMU/KVM*
sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
sudo systemctl start libvirtd

// *Add users to libvirt Group*
sudo useradd -g $USER libvirt
sudo useradd -g $USER libvirt-kvm

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